Subtractive Manufacturing for Students

At Innovate Tech Camps Australia, we have been running many 3D design and printing holiday workshops for kids and teens over 3 years. This year, we are pleased to introduce our students to a new module which is Subtractive Manufacturing. Students will venture into Subtractive Manufacturing which involves design and manufacturing! Subtractive manufacturing is a […]

3D Printing Workshop for Teens -Summer 2015

At Tech Summer School, teens will get a chance to learn about the world of creative 3D printing. They will learn how 3D printed objects are made and how it all works. Plus, they will get a chance to design models and attractive pieces of art. 3D printing is a revolution and will bring out […]


Ahh…Cubelets, are a great introduction for kids into robotics. Kids get to create out of Cubelets and the best part is how simple and yet reactive Cubelets are. The young ones get to create and innovate out of each cube as they are each a robot and when put together forms a bigger one. Cubelets […]