I really enjoyed doing the Vex IQ program. First we learnt about what we were doing and then I paired up with Jules and we made a clawbot. We then made our own modifications and I programmed it to pick up two balls and put them in our innovated ball carrier, by autopilot. We used the bucky balls and had a game to moven them into certain places using just our robot and controller. I wished that I could have kept my robot because I learnt so much from it. I will do something that has to do with robotics and engineering in the future. – Lucas, Vex IQ Add It Up Camp.
Team Bobbi 43V3R was created! We also built a robot called Bobby. Bobby was made for collecting things. Bobby was a unique robot and had some cool advantages: Able to hold two bucky balls or one mega bucky ball at the same time. Thanks to Bobby and his unique body, my partner and I did well at the Add It Up Challenge! – Jevan, Vex IQ Add It Up Camp.