Digital Literacy Certification Program – SPARK

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A new year has started and is well on its way. Many of us feel that it is time to step up and challenge ourselves with something new and to move ahead with what we would like to achieve.

Last year, we introduced the Digital Literacy Spark Certification program for the younger kids and the Digital Literacy IC3G5 industry certification for the teens. We successfully graduated many kids and teens since then, from Victoria, interstate and even students from China and Indonesia! It is important that students do not just learn how to flick an Ipad or become passive consumers of technology, without understanding what it is all about, but truly becoming Digitally Literate and actually understanding computers, technology and how things work.


Think computers, hardware, software, the operating systems, peripherals. Plus, learning about key computer applications and how to use them effectively for both school work and the future. In this day and age, with an array of social media tools, students should learn how to live online safely and use these tools to their advantage and protect themselves from online bullying. There is so much to understand and learn!

Digital literacy is the way to go for students who are internet savvy, for ICT leaders, for those who wish to improve their knowledge of computer hardware and software and to take those skills to a higher level, for the love of learning. Armed with a globally recognized certification, students can proudly add this to their credentials.

For primary aged students, don’t miss the chance to take on a one term program in Term 2, 2017 and work towards your Digital Literacy Certification (SPARK).


The Teen Digital Literacy program (Grades 7 and above) will be available very soon. Stay tuned.

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