Robotics Club is the Official Partner of REC Foundation (Robotics Education and Competition)

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We are pleased to announce that Robotics Club is the Official Partner of the REC Foundation for Vex Robotics. Robotics Club is the organizer of the 2014 Vex Robotics Championships in Australia which is a first. Several schools will be participating in the Australian Championships which will be held in March 2014.

For more information on our Vex Robotics Championships, check out
otics Club is the Official Partner of
REC Foundation (Robotics Education and Competition) for Vex Robotics Australia.

We are pleased to announce that Robotics Club is the Official Partner of the REC Foundation for Vex Robotics. Robotics Club is the organizer of the 2014 Vex Robotics Championships in Australia which is a first. Several schools will be participating in the Australian Championships which will be held in March 2014.

For more information on our Vex Robotics Championships, check out VEX CHAMPIONSHIPS AUSTRALIA

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