From The Student Journals Part 2

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In the past four weeks, I have learnt how to control robots with a controller and also the physical and virtual robot. The coding is difficult to start with but once you understand, you get your head around it and begin to understand how it all works. I have learnt to have patience when the robot won't do what I want it to do and I have learnt coding and how to use robots.

I have achieved many challenges like activities on the virtual environment and picking up blocks for the physical environment. I started off with no experience with coding or robots. I am very proud of what I now know and what I have learnt. I have achieved many new skills and challenges.

In the physical world, I have learnt how to pick up blocks and how to have patience in coding the instructions, unplugging the cables, pressing play and having to repeat everything all over again. In the virtual world, I completed more than 10 activities. I accomplished so many challenges that I never knew about beforehand.

Robotics can be difficult and frustrating but it is a fun new experience! Thank you Gary and Sue.

– Rebekah, Year 8

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