Team 68885A wins 2 top awards at VEX IQ Robotics Competition

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ITRA Team 68885A (Code Black) competed at the VEX IQ Robotics Competition, season 2019 – 2020, Squared Away on 16 September 2019. Held at Whittlesea Secondary College, teams made a trip up to the beautiful Whittlesea to attend the competition.

It was great to see the hard work of Team 68885A, also affectionately known as the “triple 8s” on the field and their teamwork. After a long day of games, they made it to the finals and took away two qualifying awards for the Nationals to be held in Adelaide (they had already won a qualifying award in the previous game and will be participating in the Nationals in December).

We congratulate our team Code Black for the outstanding effort at Whittlesea Secondary College and for walking away with two awards: The Tournament Champion Award and the Excellence Award! Well done and keep the ITRA flag flying high.

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