The Preparation Begins For Vex Robotics Competition Skyrise Challenge

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Robotics Club hosted a season of scrimmages held in two different schools for the Skyrise Challenge which is the VRC 2014-2015 season.

Scrimmages were held at Hillcrest Christian College and Emmaus College which saw several high schools bring along their robots for some try-outs and build sessions. Coaches were also helping one another's teams with programming, autonomous challenges so everyone can build better robots to rise to the Skyrise Challenge.

Yep, we are in the midst of preparing for a larger VRC in November 2014 with more schools participating in the event to qualify for the Vex Robotics World Championships in 2015.

Who's going to take the Excellence Award and compete at the Vex Robotics World Championships? Stay tuned to our blogs and social media pages to find out!


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