Robotics Club Incursion from the REC Foundation

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Nancy REC

In the past week, Robotics Club was pleased to welcome Nancy McIntyre of the Robotics Education and Competition Foundation (REC Foundation) to Melbourne, Australia.

During her visit, Nancy visited several of our clubs and introduced the Vex and Vex IQ robotics platforms to our members during our weekly club sessions. Nancy also visited several high schools to kick start the Vex Robotics Competition in Australia. It was a very eventful week for Robotics Club as Nancy showed members and school teachers how the Vex IQ and Vex Robotics system worked.

Robotics Club members were thrilled to be among the first students in Australia to use Vex robotics kits. It will be a long journey ahead for the growth of the Vex Robotics Competition in Australia but we are looking forward to this ride!

Go Vex Robotics!

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