VEX Robotics Team 89999A wins Judges Award

VEX Robotics Team 89999A wins Judges Award

Our heartiest congratulations goes to our Vex Robotics Team 89999A for winning the Judges Award at the Vex Robotics Competition Season 2019 – 2020. The competition was held at Whittlesea Secondary College with 28 VEX teams in attendance and 6 awards given out. One of which went to our team!

So proud of our boys for coming through challenges in the season and for keeping up their positive attitude. May the force be with you both as you continue with the V5 system. Well done!

Team 89999A wins State Design Award at VEX Robotics State Competition

Team 89999A wins State Design Award at VEX Robotics State Competition

Congratulations to our High School Robotics Team 89999A for winning the VEX Robotics State Design Award at the VEX Robotics  Competition on 9 November 2018!

The team has spent many hours working on their robot and testing it to see if it works well. Many more extra hours were put in to make sure all was in place for the competition. What a feat! What a time!

Congratulations to our beloved VEX Team for a job well done. You should be so proud of your efforts because you deserve it! 🙂

Innovate Team 68885A wins two awards at VEX IQ Robotics Competition

Innovate Team 68885A wins two awards at VEX IQ Robotics Competition

 Innovate Technology and Robotics Academy’s middle school team 68885A participated at the Vex IQ Robotics Competition at Mount Alexander College on 17 October 2018 and what a time they had!

It was a busy day competing and showing the judges their work, robot design and many rounds of games. However, at the end of the long and exciting day, the team won not one but two awards!

Team 68885A won the Team Work Award (for winning the tournament in alliance) and finally the Excellence Award for being the team that showed outstanding overall work through the day and beforehand.

Congratulations Team 68885A for your persistence all through the season and the effort you have put in throughout. All the best for the next tournament and the upcoming Nationals in December 2018. May the force be with you!


Robotic Boomerangs Wins Excellence Award!

Robotic Boomerangs Wins Excellence Award!

Wow! We almost couldn’t believe it but our team Robotic Boomerangs 89999A (high school robotics team) worked their way up at the Vex Robotics Competition State Tournament held at Bundoora College on 10 September 2018.

The team had previously won the Judges Award on 18 August at the last competition but they worked really hard and secured a place at the upcoming Vex Robotics Nationals to be held in December 2018! Woo hoo!

To top it all off, the team walked away with the top award of the competition which is the Excellence Award!

The Excellence Award is given to the Top All Around Team (Robot Performance & Judged). Congratulations Team 89999A!
Innovate Academy Team 68885A Wins Design Award!

Innovate Academy Team 68885A Wins Design Award!

Innovate Tech Academy’s  Middle School Robotics Team 68885A is participating in this year’s Vex IQ Robotics Competition “Next Level” through the 2018 – 2019 robotics competition season.

Congratulations to our team 68885A for winning the Design Award at the VEX Robotics Competition State tournament held on 10 September 2018 and Innovate academy students, Shannon, Keanen and Dinith. We look forward to continually doing  our best through the season till the Nationals.

A Team that Works Together, Achieves Together! We will keep on working towards the Next Level!