The Four C’s of Education

The Four C’s of Education

According to ISTE, the four C’s of education are Communication, Critical Thinking, Collaboration and Creativity.

This is 2017 learning, where students will not just be passive consumers of technology but actually understand why and how things work and how to make effective use of technology and enhance one’s learning.

These four C’s are more apparent in the academy than mentioned. Not only are kids and teens delving into robotics, they are doing far more than just playing with or programming a robot. They are learning (without knowing they actually are) about communication, critical thinking, collaboration and creativity. By simply discussing ideas for their robotics projects or troubleshooting errors, they are working together with their team to find solutions to problems.

Thinking through the problems with a mindset geared towards a solution, collaborating with their team to ensure their robot works well and being creative with their solutions – makes a mind blowing experience (we don’t deny the tons of frustration involved, the communication malfunctions and series of little errors, of course!)

Yet, students tell of how much they are engaged in the classroom, their joys when they discover they could solve a problem, plus their frustrations when they could not and this makes for their reflective learning at Innovate Academy. We love the four C’s of education and continue to see them in the classrooms.

However, more than that, we also add on our core values such as patience, persistence and perseverance which students find essential in the 2017 classroom too (you need to have the three P’s too). They are never underrated.

New Year Thoughts

New Year Thoughts

Now that we will bid goodbye to 2016 in a matter of hours, a new year is coming right up too. Between Christmas and New Year, the time feels surreal and many of us start to reflect on the year that has gone by, while looking forward to the next.

As we reflect on 2016, there are many thoughts. What went on in our life in 2016? What events happened? Did the year happen as we planned it or did it move in a completely different direction? What were the wonderful things that happened to us, the events and the memories? What did not go well? What adversity and trials did we face? What are we looking forward to? What are we glad to move on from?

It is a good time to look back at what we have taken away with us through the experiences we had in 2016 and reflect on them. Hopefully we will learn something invaluable from these experiences.

Moving towards to 2017, what can we learn from this year that is about to end? What can we do better at next year? What will we stop doing? What are the changes we need to make? What are the things we will start doing that we did not do before?

Take the time to reflect on the year gone by and move ahead into the year new with the things we want to do and the things that really matter to us. It is important to know which direction we would like to take.

Have a wonderful new year!