Aerial Robotics – The Force Up High

Aerial Robotics – The Force Up High

Many of us love drones! Drones come in various shapes and sizes and really make for an exciting way to discover and be a part of aerial robotics.

Drones are nice to fly and they have a lot to offer but how many of us understand how they work, how to use them wisely and safely and where to fly them? Plus, deepen our understanding of aerodynamics and gravity, how they can be coded and more.

Aerial robotics is great for students to understand concepts behind drones rather than just become consumers of such advanced technology. There is so much to learn, understand and also take flight!

Innovate’s first Aerial Robotics (Drones) holiday module was a great success with students flying drones through obstacles which were challenging to navigate and flying drones through simulation scenarios!

Have you been on the ground long enough? It’s time to take your learning to greater heights with Aerial Robotics. Fly high this coming Spring 2017 by checking out our holiday programs.


The Four C’s of Education

The Four C’s of Education

According to ISTE, the four C’s of education are Communication, Critical Thinking, Collaboration and Creativity.

This is 2017 learning, where students will not just be passive consumers of technology but actually understand why and how things work and how to make effective use of technology and enhance one’s learning.

These four C’s are more apparent in the academy than mentioned. Not only are kids and teens delving into robotics, they are doing far more than just playing with or programming a robot. They are learning (without knowing they actually are) about communication, critical thinking, collaboration and creativity. By simply discussing ideas for their robotics projects or troubleshooting errors, they are working together with their team to find solutions to problems.

Thinking through the problems with a mindset geared towards a solution, collaborating with their team to ensure their robot works well and being creative with their solutions – makes a mind blowing experience (we don’t deny the tons of frustration involved, the communication malfunctions and series of little errors, of course!)

Yet, students tell of how much they are engaged in the classroom, their joys when they discover they could solve a problem, plus their frustrations when they could not and this makes for their reflective learning at Innovate Academy. We love the four C’s of education and continue to see them in the classrooms.

However, more than that, we also add on our core values such as patience, persistence and perseverance which students find essential in the 2017 classroom too (you need to have the three P’s too). They are never underrated.

Innovate Academy conducts STEM workshops in Mauritius

Innovate Academy conducts STEM workshops in Mauritius

Innovate Technology and Robotics Academy is proud to have been invited by the Mauritius Government to conduct STEM workshops for kids and keynote presentations to the public.

Innovate Academy was invited to conduct keynotes on STEM education at the largest InfoTech show held in early December 2016. It was truly an enjoyable occasion to be able to bring our expertise on STEM subjects, robotics in the classroom and inspire the youth in Mauritius to explore and discover innovative solutions used in Innovate Technology and Robotics Academy’s programs in Melbourne, Australia.

Thank you for the honour, MRC. We are grateful  for the wonderful opportunity to meet and train such fantastic students in Mauritius.

Innovate VEX IQ Challenge – Crossover

Innovate VEX IQ Challenge – Crossover

On 17 October, Innovate Technology and Robotics Competitions held a VEX IQ Robotics Challenge with the latest game, Crossover.

Under a minute, teams had to play the Crossover game and take as many of the Hex balls over to the other side and stash it into the racks and eventually mount the bridge and balance it together with the other team’s robot, in an alliance format.

What a game it was as teams really played their best to get the Hex balls over to the other side and many of the teams managed to get the robots to balance on the bridge in the teamwork challenge.

So proud of our students for taking on the Tournament Champion Award and Robot Skills Award. More importantly, the students who displayed graciousness and core values despite the results have done themselves and everyone proud.

It is great to win but the gracious and kind behaviour demonstrated by the teams who participated is the best and sweetest victory. #neverforgetyourcorevalues #graciousness #kindness. That is truly robotics at its best.

Congratulations everyone!