Aeroplane Engineering – Junior Robotics

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Robotics Project with Ozobots – Halloween 2017

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Aerial Robotics – The Force Up High

Many of us love drones! Drones come in various shapes and sizes and really make for an exciting way to discover and be a part of aerial robotics. Drones are nice to fly and they have a lot to offer but how many of us understand how they work, how to use them wisely and […]
The Four C’s of Education

According to ISTE, the four C’s of education are Communication, Critical Thinking, Collaboration and Creativity. This is 2017 learning, where students will not just be passive consumers of technology but actually understand why and how things work and how to make effective use of technology and enhance one’s learning. These four C’s are more apparent […]
Innovate Academy conducts STEM workshops in Mauritius

Innovate Technology and Robotics Academy is proud to have been invited by the Mauritius Government to conduct STEM workshops for kids and keynote presentations to the public. Innovate Academy was invited to conduct keynotes on STEM education at the largest InfoTech show held in early December 2016. It was truly an enjoyable occasion to be […]
Innovate VEX IQ Challenge – Crossover

On 17 October, Innovate Technology and Robotics Competitions held a VEX IQ Robotics Challenge with the latest game, Crossover. Under a minute, teams had to play the Crossover game and take as many of the Hex balls over to the other side and stash it into the racks and eventually mount the bridge and balance […]
STEM Education at Robotics Academy

Term 2 Robotics Academy programs came to an end last week and we are finishing up our school robotics programs this week. What can we say except that it has been such a fantastic term, more than the photos can tell! Our students did Australia proud by emerging 3rd position in the World Championships, our […]
Launch of Tech Summer School 2016
With the focus on coding, robotics and bringing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) education to the young, Innovate Tech Camps presents Tech Summer School 2016. After a successful launch of new robots in the Young Inventor and Young Explorer modules and using sensational 3D blocks which connect vertically and horizontally, we are bringing some […]
From The Student Journals Part 2
In the past four weeks, I have learnt how to control robots with a controller and also the physical and virtual robot. The coding is difficult to start with but once you understand, you get your head around it and begin to understand how it all works. I have learnt to have patience when the […]
From The Student Journals Part 1
Robotics is very enjoyable and nothing like what I thought it was going to be, which was interesting. It was great to see what people do in the world championships. I think robotics is not scary but it was very hard and challenging, but that was one of the good things about doing robotics – […]