Robotics Club Celebrates a Wonderful Year of Innovating, Creating and Making

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What a great year it has been for Robotics Club Australia! We have just concluded another memorable year with our members and holiday Innovate Tech Campers. The highlights of 2014 include:

1. Two successful Vex Robotics National Championships in March and November 2014.

2. Four successful seasons of Innovate Tech Camps Australia.

3. Robotics Club's school team winning the Core Values Award at the Melbourne Regional FIRST Lego League robotics tournament.

4. Robotics Club's team representing Australia in the Vex Robotics World Championships in Anaheim, California emerging with a world ranking of 37 out of 120 teams.

5. Grown the Vex Robotics Teams in schools across Melbourne, NSW and Canberra.

6. Launched Aerial Robotics.

7. School & corporate incursions, exhibitions and career fairs.

There is so much more in between but we'd like to thank our team behind all this. We have also had many outstanding volunteers who have stepped up to help us in our robotics competitions. We have been very fortunate to meet so many kids and teens this year from all over Victoria, Canberra and NSW and we are looking forward to more interstate visitors at Tech Summer School 2015!

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