VEX Robotics Team 89999A wins Judges Award

VEX Robotics Team 89999A wins Judges Award

Our heartiest congratulations goes to our Vex Robotics Team 89999A for winning the Judges Award at the Vex Robotics Competition Season 2019 – 2020. The competition was held at Whittlesea Secondary College with 28 VEX teams in attendance and 6 awards given out. One of which went to our team!

So proud of our boys for coming through challenges in the season and for keeping up their positive attitude. May the force be with you both as you continue with the V5 system. Well done!

Team 68885A wins 2 top awards at VEX IQ Robotics Competition

Team 68885A wins 2 top awards at VEX IQ Robotics Competition

ITRA Team 68885A (Code Black) competed at the VEX IQ Robotics Competition, season 2019 – 2020, Squared Away on 16 September 2019. Held at Whittlesea Secondary College, teams made a trip up to the beautiful Whittlesea to attend the competition.

It was great to see the hard work of Team 68885A, also affectionately known as the “triple 8s” on the field and their teamwork. After a long day of games, they made it to the finals and took away two qualifying awards for the Nationals to be held in Adelaide (they had already won a qualifying award in the previous game and will be participating in the Nationals in December).

We congratulate our team Code Black for the outstanding effort at Whittlesea Secondary College and for walking away with two awards: The Tournament Champion Award and the Excellence Award! Well done and keep the ITRA flag flying high.

Team Code Black wins Teamwork Champion Award

Team Code Black wins Teamwork Champion Award

Team 68885A worked their way up the ranks at the VEX IQ Tournament on Saturday 17 August 2019 and finished off with a surprise by winning the Tournament Champion Award (in alliance). We congratulate the team for all their hard work and unity, staying together and supporting one another through the highs and lows of the season. Well done and keep working hard!

Team 68885A wins Design Award

Team 68885A wins Design Award

Congratulations to Innovate Academy’s middle school CODE BLACK, Team 68885A on their recent achievement at the VEX IQ Robotics Season Opener for the new season, Squared Away 2019 -2020.

Team Code Black won the Design Award for a good and detailed engineering diary. Congratulations to our team members and we wish them the very best as they work hard for the whole season. Go Team Code Black.

Team 68885A wins Judges Award at VEX Robotics National Championships

Team 68885A wins Judges Award at VEX Robotics National Championships

Our congratulations goes to our Middle School Team 68885A for winning the Judges Award at the recent VEX Robotics National Championship held from 30 November to 2 December 2018! The Nationals were held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.

The Judges Award is awarded when the team receives recognition from Judges for special accomplishments. Well done to the students of Team 68885A for your work through the season and for finishing the season despite the challenges faced.

Congratulations to the VEX IQ Team 68885A!

Team 89999A wins State Design Award at VEX Robotics State Competition

Team 89999A wins State Design Award at VEX Robotics State Competition

Congratulations to our High School Robotics Team 89999A for winning the VEX Robotics State Design Award at the VEX Robotics  Competition on 9 November 2018!

The team has spent many hours working on their robot and testing it to see if it works well. Many more extra hours were put in to make sure all was in place for the competition. What a feat! What a time!

Congratulations to our beloved VEX Team for a job well done. You should be so proud of your efforts because you deserve it! 🙂

Team 68885A wins State Design Award

Team 68885A wins State Design Award

Congratulations to our middle school Team 68885A for winning the State Design Award for the VEX IQ Robotics Competition on 9 November 2018!

Our students have worked hard through the season and have had to overcome challenges of all sorts. 

The Design Award recipient demonstrates the ability to implement the most effective and efficient robot design process plus the team had to together a good Engineering Notebook. Congratulations to the team and we can’t wait to try our best for the Nationals in December 2018!