STEM Spring Tech Camps

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In the blink of an eye, we are now heading towards the last of Innovate Tech Camps® holiday programs for 2015! In January, we had the amazing Tech Summer School, followed by the Autumn Maker Camps in April and the recently concluded Winter Creator Camps.

It is always such a pleasure to welcome kids and teens from many different places as we gather to explore technology and robotics and spend many good hours coding and working through problems together with the like minded!

What's great at Innovate Tech Camps® is how teens and kids are empowered to problem solve and work together with others while developing their skills in robotics, technology and coding.

It's great to see how many students are taking steps to enhance their interests in STEM to prepare themselves for the future.

Bring forth Spring Tech Camps! Cheers to another great conclusion at  Innovate Tech Camps®

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