Innovate Team 68885A wins two awards at VEX IQ Robotics Competition

Innovate Team 68885A wins two awards at VEX IQ Robotics Competition

 Innovate Technology and Robotics Academy’s middle school team 68885A participated at the Vex IQ Robotics Competition at Mount Alexander College on 17 October 2018 and what a time they had!

It was a busy day competing and showing the judges their work, robot design and many rounds of games. However, at the end of the long and exciting day, the team won not one but two awards!

Team 68885A won the Team Work Award (for winning the tournament in alliance) and finally the Excellence Award for being the team that showed outstanding overall work through the day and beforehand.

Congratulations Team 68885A for your persistence all through the season and the effort you have put in throughout. All the best for the next tournament and the upcoming Nationals in December 2018. May the force be with you!


New Coding Academy Now Available in Chadstone

New Coding Academy Now Available in Chadstone

Innovate Academy’s Coding Academy is now available at Chadstone! We are excited to open another centre for our growing number of students who study at Innovate Academy weekly.

If your child is into coding or would like to learn all about HTML, Javascript and Java, then this is a great place to be. Starting in Term 4 on Thursday evenings, the details are below:

Kids Coding Academy Details Term 4, 2018 (HTML, CSS, Javascript)

Thursdays, 6.30 pm Class

9 week program each term

(Early booking required to secure an academy laptop)

Start date: Thursday, 11 October 2018

End date: Thursday ,  6 December 2018

Session Time: 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm (Thursdays)

Venue: Innovate Academy Training Centre – Chadstone (Waterman Business Centre)

1341 Dandenong Rd, Level 2, UL40 Chadstone, VIC. 3148

Cost: $320 per term, per student

Don’t forget to book your place early if you would like to secure a laptop for your child to use in class. Once the laptop options are sold out, only BYOD places will be available.


Book into Term 4, Innovate Coding Academy at Chadstone



LEGO WeDo 2.0 for Junior Students

LEGO WeDo 2.0 for Junior Students

LEGO WeDO 2.0 comes to Innovate Academy! Hurray!

Over the past 5 years, our junior students have been growing and learning robotics with WeDo 1.0 and it has been tons of fun and learning. Not only have the juniors made various cute models, they have also discovered how things work in the process.

Putting the pieces together have been challenging for some children, but most of them, with the right attitude, have continued to persevere and achieved their goals at Innovate Academy.

The beauty of WeDo 1.0 was the way it made robotics simple and fun for the young ones and it certainly built up the confidence of younger kids.

However, WeDo 2.0 takes it all forward literally! Our contraptions can now move away! Yes, we cannot wait to explore this with the juniors at Innovate Academy and at Innovate Tech Camps (our upcoming Spring Holiday Camps). Book your Junior’s place today!

WeDo 2.0 here we come exploring!



Over the past year, Innovate Tech Camps has launched a module on Aerial Robotics which focused specifically on drones and drone technology.

Drones are amazing because they can do so much. Aerial media can be collected for industries, monitoring traffic, inspections of buildings, towers and bridges etc. Instead of making people climb up roofs and other dangerously high places, drones can be sent to take photos or conduct various inspections which is great progress. Technology should be used for dangerous jobs so that people do not have to take those risks.

At Innovate, students learn about drones, how they are used, why they are becoming important, how they work and other facts about drones. Plus, they learn how to handle drones and fly responsibly through set tasks.

Through Aerial Robotics, students understand the amazing things about drone technology and how this technology impacts the world and they start to think more deeply about the various industries that will greatly benefit from using drones – which is what innovation is all about.

Game Development Academy – Programs for Kids in Grades 3 to 6

Game Development Academy – Programs for Kids in Grades 3 to 6

Is your child a coder? Interested in making things work, problem solving and learning new technology languages? Is game making their thing? There is so much your child can learn about game making through our Game Development Academy.

If your child is in Grades 3 to 6, interested in coding and game making, then make this academy work for him or her, to learn a new skill or take those skills to a higher level. Innovate Academy’s Game Development program not only uses the MIT Scratch program but a variety of different game design and development tools which help primary school students prepare for high school where some of these tools are used in secondary school classrooms.

Plus, your child will develop strong problem solving skills and a problem solving mindset towards challenging situations, a trait which is highly sought after in the working world!

Prepare for your secondary STEM education today by having a headstart in coding!

When Robots Tell The Story – Junior Robotics

When Robots Tell The Story – Junior Robotics

One of the ways of teaching robotics in the classroom is to make robots tell the story. The Ozobot is one such engaging robot with a whole dose of fun in our STEAM classrooms.

Using visual code, the Ozobots can carry out specific tasks such moving faster, slowing down, line jump, u-turn and more all while telling a story (eg. Ozobot starts to slow down (snail dose code) when approaching the haunted house and runs away quickly (nitro boost code) when followed by a ghost!

Our Junior students have loved the Ozobot and the number of activities we have done over the past two terms especially when telling a story, because in a story, those visual codes become more powerfully etched in their memory, along with their growing knowledge of Ozobot.