Winter Creator Camps – Now Available
After a successful run of the Autumn Maker Camps, we are fast approaching Winter 2015. To beat the chill, we have all our programs for the Young Explorer, Young Inventor and Teen Innovator up for booking! Young Explorer (Grade 1 to 3) The popular electronics modules, interesting touchpads and modular robotics with Lego and engineering […]
Modular Robotics Holiday Program for Primary School Kids
Fun! Engaging! Zero Programming! Unlimited imagination! Interactive! Zero wires!
Spring Holiday Programs 2014
Innovate Tech Camps and Robotics Club's Spring technology camps for kids and teens starts tomorrow! We are certainly looking forward to this exciting adventure in the next week and a half. We are starting the Young Explorer program tomorrow which has Cubelets (modular robotics) and electronics and lots of projects to complete. Oooh what exploration! […]
Robotics The Modular Way
Cubelets give kids a great headstart to robotics. They are a bunch of magnetic blocks which snap together to make many types of robots. Playing with Cubelets teaches kids all about sensors and maths with Sense, Think and Action blocks. Just imagine making your own robot without the wires or programming them to perform different […]