STEM Education at Robotics Academy

STEM Education at Robotics Academy

Term 2 Robotics Academy programs came to an end last week and we are finishing up our school robotics programs this week. What can we say except that it has been such a fantastic term, more than the photos can tell!

Our students did Australia proud by emerging 3rd position in the World Championships, our school and public academy programs delved into many aspects of STEM, including coding, robotics, 3D printing. Students attained their Level 1 Robotics Certification, the Mid Year Robotics Competition was a great success and teacher PDs have been ongoing.

There is much to be thankful for and much to look forward to. Thank you to our students, our supportive parents and all those who have believed in our academy programs.

We will not give up on innovation and inspiring our youth to become technology leaders in their own right. Thank you for another great term! ‪#‎loveinnovation‬ ‪#‎STEM‬ ‪#‎STEAM‬ ‪#‎thebestisyettocome‬

A year of robotics, coding, electronics, STEM and STEAM

A year of robotics, coding, electronics, STEM and STEAM

We, Team Innovate, would like to thank all our students, parents, primary and high schools under our programs and supporters for such an incredible year.

We’ve had 4 seasons of tech camps, weekly after school programs every term, launched Maker Days for kids, become the Official littleBits Melbourne Chapter, run 2 Vex IQ qualifier events, a Robo I Gather Challenge, a Vex Robotics Qualifier and finally the international Asia Pacific Robotics Championships and lots of scrimmages and other events in between.
All in all, we have now seen thousands of kids come into contact with STEM through our programs and events since we first started.

We congratulate our Australian teams for their great performance at the recent Asia Pacific Robotics Championships. Team 7479 of Hillcrest Christian College won the Judges’ Award, Team 10629A won the Inspire Award and our very newly formed team who took part in the Brain Development System Championships won the Invent Award! A great feat to win something at the Asia Pacific level since Australia has never participated at that level. Congratulations!

Thank you everyone for your support, encouraging words and for volunteering at our events. Another fantastic year has gone by and we look forward to meeting even more kids through our programs in 2016.

Till then, have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year 2016!


Team Innovate

From The Student Journals Part 2

In the past four weeks, I have learnt how to control robots with a controller and also the physical and virtual robot. The coding is difficult to start with but once you understand, you get your head around it and begin to understand how it all works. I have learnt to have patience when the robot won't do what I want it to do and I have learnt coding and how to use robots.

I have achieved many challenges like activities on the virtual environment and picking up blocks for the physical environment. I started off with no experience with coding or robots. I am very proud of what I now know and what I have learnt. I have achieved many new skills and challenges.

In the physical world, I have learnt how to pick up blocks and how to have patience in coding the instructions, unplugging the cables, pressing play and having to repeat everything all over again. In the virtual world, I completed more than 10 activities. I accomplished so many challenges that I never knew about beforehand.

Robotics can be difficult and frustrating but it is a fun new experience! Thank you Gary and Sue.

– Rebekah, Year 8

From The Student Journals Part 1

Robotics is very enjoyable and nothing like what I thought it was going to be, which was interesting. It was great to see what people do in the world championships. I think robotics is not scary but it was very hard and challenging, but that was one of the good things about doing robotics – you challenge yourself.

I am happy that coding is one of our curriculum activities because now I know how to code, which can be very useful. I am happy with what I have achieved. Thank you Gary and Sue.

– Shivani, Grade 8

Robots Land at Melbourne Zoo!

Robots Land at Melbourne Zoo!

Melbourne Zoo

Robots appeared at Melbourne Zoo today!

High school students were creating and building robots to suit their theme of the day and the whole room was full of robot parts everywhere! What impressed everyone was their level of creativity and resilience at building their robots which is no mean feat!  What's more, most of them had never built a robot prior to today.

To all the students at this Robotics Club incursion at Melbourne Zoo today – you guys and girls rock! It was a pleasure to be a part of your program!